Meet Our Team

Beer Matters is a collective of experts with hands-on experience working in the Canadian craft beer industry or in support of it. We’ve dealt with many of the challenges you may be facing, and we’ve developed specialized solutions to deal with them.

A smiling man with grey hair and glasses, wearing a grey jacket

Rick Dalmazzi

Founder and President

Rick oversaw Sawdust City Brewery’s transformation from contract to bricks-and-mortar brewery in 2014. As partner and general manager, he established the taproom as a community hub and the bottle shop as the largest in Ontario at the time.

From 2016 to 2019 Rick served as board member and Treasurer of the Ontario Craft Brewers Association.

In 2019, Rick became the founding Executive Director of the Canadian Craft Brewers Association and launched the Canada Beer Cup in 2021, the industry’s own national beer competition.

Prior to entering the craft beer scene, Rick spent over twenty years as an executive and consultant in the technology sector, working with management teams, directors and investors of early-stage companies across the United States and Canada.

Danielle Martin, CPA, CMA

Financial services Lead

Danielle Martin is the proud owner of Strata Accounting Professional Corporation, boasting over a decade of invaluable financial expertise.

Her journey into the world of finance was rooted in a fundamental understanding - money makes the world go round. Her initial career aspirations leaned towards climbing the corporate ladder, but life took her on a different path after marriage and a move to a new city. Entrepreneurship became the ideal platform to apply her extensive accounting skills and exceptional customer service acumen.

Danielle's forte lies in simplifying intricate financial processes while optimizing operational efficiencies for her clients. She finds great joy in empowering both her team and clients with a clear understanding of their financials, ensuring everyone stays well-informed.

Precision and order are second nature to Danielle in her professional pursuits, but she is not one to shy away from adventure. When not immersed in spreadsheets, she's an ardent advocate for staying active and exploring new horizons. Her most recent passion revolves around the world of horses.

Brett Restemayer, CHS

Employee Programs Lead

Brett was born and raised in the Barrie area. Upon finishing high school he went to the University of British Columbia where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree. Upon finishing university Brett returned to Barrie and started a job with an industrial sales company in the field of industrial water treatment. 

Brett's family was closely tied to the financial services industry. His father had a long career with London Life, having started there in 1979. Brett moved into the financial advice industry in 2005 and took over his father's business when he decided to retire. Brett joined the Strata Wealth team of advisors in 2017 and formed Strata Wellness & Benefits Inc. in 2020. Group benefits had been the focus of his practice for the majority of his 18 years in the financial business and he solely works in this area now.

In his free time you can find Brett enjoying time at the family cottage bass fishing, playing pickleball in Horseshoe Valley, or on his skis at many of the nearby hills in the winter months. Brett has two children in elementary school so he spends many hours in the bleachers at swimming pools while they compete in swim meets and practices.

A smiling man with short grey hair and glasses, holding a beer glass

Michael Urlocker, CFA

strategic advisory Lead

Michael is a Chartered Financial Analyst with more than twenty years experience analyzing investments on Bay Street.

He has also studied professional brewing at Niagara College, University of California at Davis and at VLB in Berlin. Michael has worked as a strategic consultant to breweries and the tech industry since 2004.

Michael is a BJCP-certified beer judge and has been home brewing for more than three decades.

Michael and his brother recently published their first co-authored novel, The Man From Mittelwerk, a Cold War spy thriller, available on Amazon.