Strategic Alternatives Advisory

Strategic Options Assessment | Corporate Restructuring
Partnerships & Alliances | Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures

Strategic Options Assessment

Everyone’s situation is different. We don’t start working until we understand your company’s unique assets and particular challenges. From there we can assess your options and get going.

Corporate Restructuring

Sometimes the best strategic moves are within your own four walls. We’ll show you how to look at your business from a different angle and perhaps uncover some hidden value ready to be unlocked.

Partnerships & Alliances

There are many ways to approach this option and lots of good opportunities exist. Success comes from understanding the basis for the partnership and ensuring that doesn’t get lost in the process.

Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures

This is the big one. Just pursuing it can overwhelm an organization. We have a disciplined approach aimed at minimizing the risks and the impact on your ongoing operations. And we have a database.

“We engaged Beer Matters to help us find a merger partner for our brewery. The assignment was complicated and difficult. It took Rick and his team the better part of a year but they got it done and our shareholders were happy with the outcome.”

David Livingston, Investor & Board Member
Kensington Brewery, Toronto, Ontario